Pinacoteca Liceu de São Paulo
São Paulo / Brazil
Área: 6.240,00 sqm.
The new unit of the Pinacoteca of São Paulo occupies part of the existing pavilions of the Liceu de Artes e Ofícios. The new unit of the Pinacoteca of São Paulo – the first museum established in the city – will be a space dedicated to the presentation of contemporary Brazilian artistic production. It will occupy part of the sheds that originally housed the workshops of the Lyceum of Arts and Crafts, plus a new building designed for specific museum functions. It will also have spaces for the technical room of the Museum of the Brazilian House and Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo.
The structure of the existing sheds, built at the beginning of the nineteenth century, is composed of an elegant set of metallic porticoes, whose highest central nave is covered by two waters supported by scissors with pendals connected by oblique struts and the tensor defining a line curve.
Our proposal establishes an integral intervention, through a new building that, externalizing a strong architecture, legible and directly identified with its intrinsic activities, also preserves and highlights the existing sheds.