Campus Central Multifuncional Complex – Puc Campinas
Campinas / Brazil
Area: 36.392,00 sqm.
With the objective of revitalizing the area of its Central Campus, Puc-Campinas promoted in 2016 a competition for a multifunctional enterprise. The project is located in the area around the Solar do Barão de Itapura and is now the object of restoration to adapt its physical space to the activities of art, culture and leisure. The Solar do Barão de Itapura is an architectural reference of great historical, cultural and educational importance, not only for Campinas, but for Brazil.
In this context, the new architecture must be contemporary and expressive, maintaining with the existing patrimony a close relationship that is not only of testimony or timidity, but, above all, of deep respect.
New occupation and new architecture
The new occupation presupposes the removal of existing buildings on the terrain, as well as the annexes built next to the Solar do Barão that do not have relevant architectural value. This emptiness created in the center of the court highlights the heritage listed building and allows the ground to gain openings for the pathways that demarcate the lot, which widens its connections with the city. This particular morphology also offers the terrain new spatial and visual relationships, which allow totransform the place into a new public space.